Getting Started Guide
The Laudato Si’ Action Platform is an invitation to reflect on Pope Francis’ call to integral ecology and to respond to “The cry of the Earth. The Cry of the Poor.” The resources here are to support you along this journey whether it’s with your friary, ministry, fraternity, parish group or other organization.
The entire Laudato Si’ Action Platform is designed as a 7-year process. Every year will incorporate aspects from the following phases. For more details about the Laudato Si’ Action Platform timeline and process, click here.
To begin Phase 1, reflect on what’s already happening within your group.
- Begin or continue conversations focused on Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si’, the Laudato Si’ Goals, and Integral Ecology. How does our Franciscan identify inform our understanding and our response? How are our organization’s unique values and identity connected with the Laudato Si’ Goals?
- As a group, discuss “What is happening?” “Why is it happening?” “What is God inviting us to do?”
- Review the Laudato Si’ encyclical as a group. Study guide resources and presentations are available.
- Engage with the Laudato Si’ Goals and identify how we are currently responding in our community or ministry.
- Gain insights into your current practices through self-assessments. Learning about your group’s current practices can help inform goals and actions that you may want to pursue during this process. Laudato Si’ Spirit has created self-assessments designed specifically for Friaries, Ministries, and Secular Franciscan Fraternities.
- Discern how your group might best participate in the Laudato Si’ Action Platform. Do you have a committee that could create an Action Plan for the group? Is there someone who could serve as the Action Plan coordinator? Who would be a main contact person to connect with Laudato Si’ Spirit?
During Phase 1 we invite you to:
- Enroll on the Vatican’s Laudato Si’ Action Platform website to mark your official commitment. See the Enrollment Guide on the Laudato Si’ Spirit website for helpful information about enrolling.
- Complete a self-assessment. Simple self-assessments designed for various Franciscan groups are available on our website. Once enrolled with the Laudato Si’ Action Platform website, access a more in-depth self-assessment through your dashboard.
- Create and upload a reflection that explores how your values connect with the Laudato Si’ Goals. Once enrolled with the Laudato Si’ Action Platform website, upload a reflection document or video to your dashboard.
This phase focuses on practical steps in your journey as you create and implement an Action Plan. This is a chance to identify the objectives you hope to reach and outline the actions you plan to take in the coming year.
Develop goals that will guide your group’s participation. What are the particular gifts and resources your organization has to offer towards the general Laudato Si’ goals?
Decide what actions will enable you to achieve your goals for Year 1. Brainstorm action ideas as a group. Review suggested list of actions. Consider which actions are both doable and impactful at this time.
Implement your Action Plan for Year 1. Design an Action Plan that outlines your group’s goals and begin the steps you plan to take.
During Phase 2 we invite you to:
- Create an Action Plan. This first Action Plan can focus on Year 1 of your participation. You’ll have the opportunity to create an updated Action Plan each year. Click here for an Action Plan Template to get started.
- Share your Action Plan and enroll with the Laudato Si’ Action Platform website, upload your Action Plan document to your dashboard.
- Implement your Action Plan. Begin the actions as outlined in your Action Plan.
In Phase 3, evaluate your progress so far and celebrate Year 1. Since the entire Laudato Si’ Action Platform process is 7 years, there are annual opportunities for evaluation and celebration along the journey towards integral ecology.
- As you implement your Action Plan, monitor what aspects are working well and what aspects may need to be adjusted. As you evaluate your progress so far, begin to identify how your group may want to revise your Action Plan for Year 2.
- Remember, the Laudato Si’ Action Platform embraces progress, not perfection.
- Gather photos, success stories and learnings from your experiences.
- As an organization, create an intentional opportunity to joyfully recognize your participation in this global movement and progress so far.
During Phase 3 we invite you to:
- Share about your experiences within your group and the wider Franciscan community. Continue to seek support and encouragement for your ongoing journey of commitment to integral ecology.
- Create a new Action Plan for the coming year or adjust your ongoing plan to reflect progress and/or challenges.
- Prepare to complete the second annual Self-Assessment.