Community Connection: Introducing our Logo & Designer

In Laudato Si’, Pope Francis highlights that what we often call the environment or nature isn’t a space or setting separate from ourselves but rather it is a relationship of which we are part. He reminds us that “everything is interconnected.” (138)

For artist and graphic designer Eusebio Cortez, seeing relationships and patterns in the visible world is the beginning of every creative project. “Nature already has perfect designs and the perfect color palette,” he says. “Just looking outside or taking a walk I can see the divine artwork of creation all around.” It’s this perspective, along with his graphic design skills, that made Eusebio the perfect fit to create the original logo for Laudato Si’ Spirit. 

“I designed the logo to really match the name of Laudato Si’ Spirit,” Eusebio reflects. “The images of a dove and an upturned hand communicate the idea of relationship between all of creation that is infused with the Holy Spirit.” As the colors of orange, yellow and green blend together, the different elements also transform one into the other. The dove is an image of peace, hope and our brother and sister animals with whom we share this common home. The hand, palm up in a gesture of care, represents humanity receiving the gift of creation as well as our responsibility to reach out in service. The subtle figure of a leaf links these elements together honoring the connection between everything and everyone in God’s creation. 

Eusebio adds that while “a key feature of this project was to complement the Laudato Si’ Action Platform website, the heart of the design is reflecting the connection between the cry of the earth and cry of the poor.” Through his small business, Creative Pallette Designs, Eusebio has worked with several Franciscan organizations, including the Franciscan School of Theology where he is earning a Master of Theological Studies.