A Franciscan Approach

Resources featuring a variety of Franciscan voices and perspectives on integral ecology and caring for our common home. We’re continuing to build this library so check back for new additions! 

Looking for other videos, like Laudato Si‘ music and inspired prayers? Visit our “Music & Video Reflections” page for more offerings. 

Ecological Spirituality & the Franciscan Moment

Sr. Mary Beth Ingham, CSJ invites us to experience this Franciscan Moment as we consider the ecological crisis and the response we’re called to make. She offers rich spiritual insights from the Franciscan tradition to inform and support personal conversion and transformation to become agents of change, artists of beauty and life for our world.  

3 elements of a Franciscan spiritual approach to the world:
– Behold the world of beauty
– Consider the dignity of each being
– Respond with generous love

Watch Sr. Mary Beth’s presentation (11:50 – 31:50 in the video) or the whole session for more insights on Ecological Spirituality. Slides from the entire session are also available here.

Part of “Laudato Si’ and the U.S. Catholic Church: A Conference Series on Our Common Home” sponsored by Catholic Climate Covenant and Creighton University. Recordings of all conference sessions, including Spanish audio, are available on the Catholic Climate Covenant website.  

Global Cultures in Encounter - Food, Franciscans and Climate Change

Dr. Linh Ngoc Hoag, OFM offers a thought-provoking  message tracing the history of food throughout Christian history, food as opportunities for encounter, and the Franciscan approach of relationship and how this relates to food choices.  

– Food as identity marker, hospitality and opportunity for inclusion or exclusion 
– Food choices and climate change (begins at 25:30 in the video)

Part of the 2023 Re-Imagining the World: Pope Francis and Saint Francis conference, hosted by the Franciscan School of Theology at the University of San Diego. Recordings of all the conference lectures are available on the Franciscan School of Theology website.

Saint Francis as Inspiration for the Global Vision of Pope Francis

Dr. Daniel Horan, OFM offers an inspiring message connecting many aspects of the life of St. Francis and the ongoing Franciscan tradition:

– Narrative quality of the Franciscan tradition
– The primacy of relationship
– The renunciation of power
– The Family of creation (begins at 41:13 in the video)

As Dr. Dan Horan shares, the radical vision of creation that St. Francis embodied and passed down through the Franciscan tradition is reflected in the teaching and ministry of Pope Francis. 

Part of the 2023 Re-Imagining the World: Pope Francis and Saint Francis conference, hosted by the Franciscan School of Theology at the University of San Diego. Recordings of all the conference lectures are available on the Franciscan School of Theology website.

St. Francis and the Song of Brotherhood and Sisterhood: Contemplation, Identity, and Advocacy

Sr. Elizabeth Fuhr, OSF explores a vision of contemplating Christ in nature, identifying deeply as brothers and sisters with all creation, and advocating together for a healed Earth. This presentation and Sr. Elizabeth’s nature retreats are patterned on St. Francis and the Song of Brotherhood and Sisterhood: Contemplation, Identity, and Advocacy by Eric Doyle, OFM. Part of the Franciscan Vision Series from the Franciscan School of Theology. 

Shemá: Biodiversity, Franciscans, and the Season of Creation

Seminar and conversation with Franciscan-hearted people learning what we can do to promote the ecological conversation, justice, and healing within the Earth’s community of life. Click here to read about the presenters.

Ecospirituality: Journey into Greater Ecological Consciousness

Br. Keith Warner, OFM explores the spiritual connection between humans and the environment through the lens of Laudato Si’. Part of the “Climate Change: Caring for Our Common Home” speaker series sponsored by Old Mission Santa Barbara. 


Places and Voices of America the Beautiful: Reflections of Faith on 30x30

Featuring Franciscan friar Br. James Lockman, OFM, this panel discussion explores the voices of conservationists engaging from their faith, along with indigenous knowledge and native wisdom informing ecological restoration and species protection in the US. Click here for a full description with more information about the panelists and the E.O. Wilson Biodiversity Foundation which sponsors the series.  

Guest Speakers

Other recommended resources to enrich your Laudato Si’ journey. 

Global Kinship – Brian Swimme with Jennifer Morgan on Cosmogenesis 

Eco-Spirituality: Behold God in Everything is presented by Catholic Climate Covenant as part of their 2022 Feast of St. Francis program and can be used anytime. 

This 2-part video features teaching on Laudato Si’ Goal 6: Ecological Spirituality – what it is and examples of how to engage with it – followed by a guided meditation (meditation begins at 9:00 in the video).